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#1 Le 14-09-2022 à 06h10

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 9

Hi! I'm level 11 and my cromimi's pregnancy counter reached 0 three days ago, please help. Thanks.

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#2 Le 14-09-2022 à 10h30

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Hello Lety61!
You can leave your message on this forun on ¨Special baby delivery: Perement topic¨ and there you need to say name of you'r cromigirl and level what you say now.
I hope it helped you!  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-content.gif

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#3 Le 17-09-2022 à 20h04

Messages: 854

Exactly, thank you so much Rina, looks like you took good care of the forum while I was away ! /static/images/forum/smilies/coeur.gif


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#4 Le 18-09-2022 à 12h04

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Thank you Lily297 /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-content.gif

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#5 Le 06-12-2022 à 19h35

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 2

Bonjour, mes enfants ne naissent pas du tout, cela fait plus de 10 jours que mon cromimi est enceinte

Good morning, my children are not born at all, it is more than 10 days that my cromimi is pregnant - level 10

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#6 Le 07-12-2022 à 11h25

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Hello Sabrina233!
That is a cromimibaby bug. You can tell that on French forum on ˝L'actualite du jeu cromimi˝ and how I think you know French right? It will not be problem to find it I need to go on French forum anyway so you can skreatch my name here Rina167.

Dernière modification par Rina58 (Le 07-12-2022 à 11h26)

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#7 Le 07-12-2022 à 12h13

Messages: 20 103

Rina58 a écrit :

Hello ***** !
****** anyway so you can skreatch my name here Rina167.

Hello Rina
You are not unaware that multi-accounts are prohibited : we have already asked you, in the past, to delete another one on !!

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#8 Le 07-12-2022 à 16h34

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Oh upsss I deleted it but on many games i'm calling Rina167 but on this game it was alredy taken so I have called Rina58 I didin't care about my name sorry I mean Rina58  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-goutte.gif

Dernière modification par Rina58 (Le 07-12-2022 à 16h40)

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#9 Le 07-12-2022 à 17h07

Messages: 20 103

Rina58 a écrit :

Oh upsss I deleted it but on many games i'm calling Rina167 but on this game it was alredy taken so I have called Rina58 I didin't care about my name sorry I mean Rina58  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-goutte.gif

No ... we are talking here about a Rina167 account, which belongs to you and still open (and now blocked), in addition to the one we asked you to close next time.
Make sure you don't create any more now, under penalty of punishment!

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#10 Le 07-12-2022 à 17h28

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Oh I don't remember that but I belive on your words. I think I created it when I where try to create my account Rina58 so it probably have created whitow my knowing. I will promise that to I will try not to break any rule anymore and be as good I can.

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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